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Music videos

We love music

We at Uga Buga have a special relationship to music and dance. We are all passionate about the perfect, dynamic marriage between audio and video in all of our works. Our creators have experience in creating music videos, musical film, and live video projections and are always eager to try new approaches and techniques. We are looking forward to making your next music video or any other audiovisual presentation. Check out some of our directors' previous music videos! 

Music video "Black is Black, White Is White?"

Music by: Elbee Bad, Voodoo Trax Records 2012

Directed and animated by: Yagama


Music video : "Picnic at the Lines" 

Director, Editor and Camera: Ilina Perianova

Music by: Greta Varts and Oskar Laasik 

Starring: Mo Jäger and Katariina Rebane 

Assistant and extra shots: ‎Kilian Kuhlendahl 

A joint collaboration project by Baltic film and media School and Academy of Media Arts Cologne

Made during Ghostology workshop, Tallinn 2014

Music video to "Frustration"

Music by: Matt Venn, 2008 

Directed and created by: Yagama